Friday, April 11, 2008

my reserch paper

my reserch paper topic:
"Why Asians are shyer than Westerns"

1. Why did I chose this topic?

Because I always think that Asians are shyer than Westerns.
When i lived in Japan, I have never thought so becuase there are almost only Japanese in Japan. I think that I have met less than 20 forigners in my life, so I didn't know Western people's personality. I know that personality is different between each person, but I want to know the nationals personality.
Have you ever experience when you were in discussion, many Western peoples spoken many things in front of many people? This time, did Asian people speak many times?
I think that this oen of the reason is Asians are shyer than Westerns.

2. Why are people interested in this topic?

I think some poeple have thought "I am shy" in Canada. Becuase we are required to speak in front of many people. I think Asian people think so.
When i was a elementary, junior high school,and high school student, i didn't need to speak my opinion in front of my classmates. Sometimes my teachers aske me a answer, but this answer is comprete answer. I don't need to speak my opinions. Do you think it is connected to shy?I want to reserch it.

this is my topic youtube!!!!
He is sooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!
he always play drama alone!!
he does 2 characters!!he said that suddenly he is ugry! he is soooo funny!!!
secound one is not my topic! but it is just so funny!
so please watch it!!

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